List of illumination synonyms and illumination related words.
abstract, abstraction, accomplishments, acquisition of knowledge, acquisitions, acrylic painting, adjunct, adornment, allegorization, altarpiece, arc lighting, arrangement, attainments, awareness, black and white, block print, brightness, catechization, chiaroscuro, clarification, coaching, collage, color, color patterns, color print, color printing, coloration, coloring, contrast, copy, cracking, cyclorama, daub, decipherment, decoding, decor, decoration, decorative lighting, demonstration, demythologization, didactics, diptych, direct lighting, direction, dyeing, edification, editing, education, elaboration, electric lighting, elucidation, emanation, embellishment, emblazonment, emblazonry, embroidery, emendation, encaustic cerography, encaustic painting, engraving, enlightenment, euhemerism, exegesis, exemplification, explanation, explication, exposition, expounding, festoon lighting, finger painting, floodlighting, flourish, flower arrangement, flower painting, fluorescence, fluorescent lighting, fresco, fresco painting, furniture arrangement, garnish, garnishment, garniture, gaslighting, genre painting, glow lighting, gouache, grisaille, guidance, highlight, highlights, icon, illustration, image, impasto, incandescence, incandescent lighting, indirect lighting, information, insight, instruction, irradiance, irradiancy, irradiation, learning, liberal education, light, light and shade, light source, lighting, likeness, lithography, luminosity, luminous energy, miniature, monochrome, montage, mosaic, mural, mural painting, oil painting, ornament, ornamentation, overhead lighting, painting, panorama, pedagogics, pedagogy, phosphorescence, photograph, photosensitivity, picture, picturization, pigmentation, portraiture, poster painting, print, private teaching, programmed instruction, radiance, radiancy, radiant energy, radiation, rationale, reason, reeducation, representation, reproduction, revelation, schooling, self-instruction, self-teaching, sidelight, simplification, solution, sophistication, spoon-feeding, spot lighting, stage lighting, stained glass window, staining, stencil, still life, store of knowledge, strip lighting, tableau, tapestry, teaching, the brush, tinction, tinging, tinting, tonality, trim, trimming, triptych, tuition, tutelage, tutorage, tutoring, tutorship, understanding, unlocking, visible radiation, wall painting, wash, wash drawing, window dressing