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image synonyms and image related words

Synonyms -> image synonyms

List of image synonyms and image related words.

Doppelganger, Vorstellung, abstract, abstraction, adumbrate, affectation, affectedness, airs, airs and graces, allusion, ally, altarpiece, alter ego, analogon, analogue, angle, apparition, appearance, apprehension, archetypal pattern, archetype, artificiality, asiaticism, aspect, associate, badge, banner, black spot, block print, bloom, blooping, body forth, brother, call to mind, call up, cameo, cast, catalog, cataloging, certified copy, character, character sketch, characteristic, characterization, clone, close copy, close match, cognate, collage, color print, companion, complement, conceit, conceive, concept, conception, conceptualization, configuration, congenator, congener, conjure up, contemplate, coordinate, copy, corporealization, correlate, correlative, correspondent, counterfeit, counterpart, cyclorama, daub, dead ringer, definition, delineate, delineation, demonstrate, depict, depiction, describe, description, details, device, differentia, diptych, double, duplicate, earmark, ectype, effect, effigy, eidetic image, eidolon, embodiment, embody, engram, engraving, envisage, envisaging, envision, envisioning, epitome, equal, equivalent, essence, euphuism, evocation, exact likeness, exemplify, facade, facet, facsimile, fair copy, faithful copy, fake, false front, false image, false show, fancy, fantasy, fashion, father image, feature, feigned belief, fellow, fetish, figurative language, figurativeness, figure, figure of speech, flare, floridity, flourish, flower, flowery style, foreshadow, forgery, form, fresco, fringe area, front, gestalt, ghost, glass, granulation, graphic account, graven image, grid, guise, hallmark, hard shadow, hypocrisy, icon, idea, idiosyncrasy, idol, idolum, ikon, illumination, illustrate, illustration, imagery, imagery study, imagine, imaging, imagism, imagistic poetry, imago, imitation, impersonate, impression, incarnate, incarnation, index, indicant, indicator, insignia, insincerity, intellectual object, interpret, itemization, just see, keynote, kindred spirit, lifelike image, light, like, likeness, limn, limning, lineaments, living image, living picture, look, look upon, manner, manner of speaking, mannerism, mark, match, mate, materialization, measure, memory, memory trace, memory-trace, mental image, mental impression, mental picture, mental representation, mere show, metaphor, miniature, mirage, mirror, mirroring, model, montage, mosaic, mould, multiple image, mural, near duplicate, noise, nonliterality, nonliteralness, note, notion, objectification, objectify, observation, obverse, opinion, ornament, panorama, parallel, particularization, pasticcio, pastiche, peculiarity, pendant, perception, personate, personification, personify, phantasm, phantasma, phantasmagoria, phantom, phase, phasis, phasm, phenomenon, phony, photograph, picture, picture noise, picture shifts, picturing, poetic imagery, portrait, portraiture, portray, portrayal, prefigure, presence, pretense, pretension, pretypify, print, profile, project, property, prunes and prisms, public image, purple passage, put-on, putting on airs, rain, realize, recept, reciprocal, reference, reflect, reflection, regard, reification, render, rendering, rendition, replica, represent, representation, representative, reproduction, resemblance, respect, ringer, rolling, rubbing, scanning pattern, scintillation, sculpture, seal, second self, see, seeming, semblance, sentiment, shade, shading, shadow, shadow forth, sham, shape, show, side, sigil, sign, signal, signature, simile, similitude, simulacrum, sister, sketch, slant, snow, snowstorm, soul mate, speaking, specification, specter, spit, spit and image, spitting image, stained glass window, stamp, statue, stencil, still life, style, stylishness, such, suchlike, summon up, supposition, sure sign, symbol, symptom, tableau, tally, tapestry, telltale sign, the like of, the likes of, theory, thought, total effect, trace, tracing, trait, traumatic trace, triptych, trope, turn of expression, twin, twist, typical example, unconscious memory, unnaturalness, very image, very picture, view, viewpoint, vignette, vision, visual image, visualization, visualize, vivid description, waking dream, wall painting, way of speaking, wildest dream, wise, word painting, word-painting, wraith