List of immunity synonyms and immunity related words.
absolution, acquired immunity, active immunity, amnesty, antibody, antigen, artificial immunity, assurance, blank check, carte blanche, charter, clear sailing, congenital immunity, copyright, diplomatic immunity, discharge, dispensation, exception, exclusion, exculpation, excuse, exemption, exoneration, familial immunity, favor, franchise, freedom, grace, grant, harmlessness, immunity theory, immunization, immunization therapy, immunochemistry, immunology, immunotherapy, impunity, indemnity, indulgence, inherent immunity, inherited immunity, inoculation, insusceptibility, invulnerability, legislative immunity, liberty, license, natural immunity, nolle prosequi, non prosequitur, nonprosecution, nonspecific immunity, nonsusceptibility to disease, opsonic immunity, pardon, passive immunity, patch test, patent, permission, phagocytic immunity, privilege, protection, racial immunity, redemption, release, remission, remission of sin, reprieve, resistance, risklessness, safeguard, safeness, safety, scratch test, security, serotherapeutics, serotherapy, serum therapy, shrift, side-chain theory, sparing, special favor, specific immunity, stay, surety, toxin-antitoxin immunity, toxin-antitoxin immunization, tuberculin test, unsusceptibility, vaccination, vaccine therapy, vaccinotherapy, warrant