List of impersonator synonyms and impersonator related words.
ape, artist, artiste, belly dancer, blagueur, bluff, bluffer, burlesque queen, charlatan, chorine, chorus boy, chorus girl, conformist, conjurer, copier, copycat, copyist, coryphee, counterfeiter, cuckoo, dancer, dancing girl, dissembler, dissimulator, ecdysiast, echo, echoer, echoist, entertainer, exotic dancer, fake, faker, female impersonator, forger, fourflusher, fraud, geisha, geisha girl, guisard, guiser, hoofer, humbug, hypocrite, imitator, impostor, incognita, incognito, magician, malingerer, masker, masquerader, mime, mimer, mimic, mimicker, mocker, mockingbird, monkey, mountebank, mummer, musician, nautch girl, parrot, peeler, performer, phony, plagiarist, playactor, player, poll-parrot, polly, polly-parrot, poser, poseur, prestidigitator, pretender, public entertainer, quack, quacksalver, quackster, ringer, saltimbanco, sham, shammer, sheep, show girl, simulator, singer, stripper, stripteaser, stripteuse, thespian, trouper, vaudevillian, vaudevillist