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implanted synonyms and implanted related words

Synonyms -> implanted synonyms

List of implanted synonyms and implanted related words.

chronic, confirmed, deep-dyed, deep-engraven, deep-fixed, deep-grounded, deep-laid, deep-rooted, deep-seated, deep-set, deep-settled, dyed-in-the-wool, embedded, embossed, engrafted, engraved, entrenched, esoteric, established, etched, fast, firmly established, fixed, graven, immanent, implicit, impressed, imprinted, inalienable, incorrigible, inculcated, indelibly impressed, indwelling, infixed, ingrained, ingrown, inherent, inner, instilled, internal, intrinsic, inveterate, inward, inwrought, irreducible, irreversible, long-established, old-line, on a rock, on bedrock, private, resident, rooted, secret, set, settled, settled in habit, stabilized, subjective, thorough, unalienable, unchallengeable, unquestionable, vested, well-established, well-founded, well-grounded, well-set, well-settled