List of import synonyms and import related words.
accent, acceptation, access, add up to, admission, affective meaning, allegorize, allegory, allude to, allusion, amount to something, arcane meaning, argue, assign, assume, assumption, be construed as, be featured, be prominent, be somebody, be something, bearing, bespeak, betoken, breathe, bring in, bring to mind, carry over, carry weight, coloration, coloring, communicate, communication, concern, concernment, conduction, connotation, connote, consequence, consequentiality, consideration, consign, construction, contagion, convection, convey, count, cut ice, cut some ice, deliver, delivery, denotation, denote, deport, deportation, design, diapedesis, diffuse, diffusion, disseminate, dissemination, drift, effect, emphasis, entail, entrance, entree, entry, essence, excellence, expel, export, exportation, express, expulsion, extension, extradite, extradition, force, get top billing, gist, grammatical meaning, hand forward, hand on, hand over, high order, high rank, hint, idea, impact, impart, implicate, implication, implied meaning, imply, importance, importation, importing, income, incoming, indicate, infer, inference, infiltration, ingoing, ingress, ingression, innuendo, input, insertion, insinuate, insinuation, intake, intend, intendment, intension, intent, intention, interchange, interest, interpenetration, interpretation, intimate, intimation, introduce, introduction, introgression, intrusion, involve, ironic suggestion, leakage, lexical meaning, literal meaning, magnitude, make over, mark, materiality, matter, mean, mean to say, meaning, merit, message, metaphorical sense, metastasis, metastasize, metathesis, metathesize, metempsychosis, migration, moment, momentousness, mutual transfer, note, nuance, object, objective, occult meaning, osmosis, overtone, paramountcy, pass, pass on, pass over, pass the buck, passage, passing over, penetration, percolation, perfuse, perfusion, pertinence, pith, point, point indirectly to, practical consequence, precedence, preeminence, presume, presumption, presuppose, presupposition, primacy, priority, purport, purpose, range of meaning, real meaning, reception, refer to, reference, referent, relation, relay, relevance, scope, seepage, self-importance, semantic cluster, semantic field, sense, significance, significancy, signification, significatum, signifie, signify, span of meaning, spell, spirit, spread, spreading, stand for, stand out, star, stress, structural meaning, subsense, subsidiary sense, substance, suggest, suggestion, sum, sum and substance, superiority, suppose, supposition, supremacy, switch, symbolic meaning, symbolism, symbolize, take for granted, tell, tenor, thrust, tinge, totality of associations, touch, transduction, transfer, transfer of property, transfer property, transference, transferred meaning, transfuse, transfusion, transit, transition, translate, translation, translocate, translocation, transmigration, transmigration of souls, transmission, transmit, transmittal, transmittance, transplace, transplacement, transplant, transplantation, transposal, transpose, transposition, travel, turn over, unadorned meaning, undercurrent, undermeaning, understanding, undertone, value, weigh, weight, weightiness, worth