List of impregnate synonyms and impregnate related words.
bathe, beat into, besprinkle, brainwash, breathe, brew, catechize, charge, color, condition, cross-fertilize, cross-pollen, cross-pollinate, cross-pollinize, decoct, douche, dredge, drench, dress, drouk, dye, enrich, entincture, fatten, fecundate, fecundify, fertilize, fill, flavor, flush, fructify, get with child, get with young, imbrue, imbue, implant, impress, inculcate, indoctrinate, infiltrate, infix, infuse, inject, inoculate, inseminate, instill, interpenetrate, lave, leach, leaven, lixiviate, macerate, manure, penetrate, percolate, permeate, pervade, pollen, pollinate, pollinize, program, prolificate, rinse, saturate, season, seethe, soak, sodden, sop, souse, spermatize, steep, suffuse, temper, tincture, tinge, transfuse, wash, waterlog