List of impression synonyms and impression related words.
Ditto copy, Photostat, Platonic form, Platonic idea, Xerox, Xerox copy, absorption and regurgitation, aesthetic form, affect, affection, alveolation, alveolus, angle, apprehension, aquatint, archetype, aroma, art form, aspect, assumption, attitude, attribute, autolithograph, awareness, back number, backlash, backwash, badge, bare suggestion, belief, block, block print, boss, brainwashing, brand, build, bump, cachet, cameo, cast, catalog, cataloging, catechization, character, character sketch, characteristic, characterization, chromolithograph, climate of opinion, clout, collection, colophon, color print, common belief, community sentiment, concavity, conceit, concept, conception, conclusion, conditioning, configuration, conformation, consciousness, consensus gentium, consideration, contact print, convexity, copperplate, copperplate print, copy, copying, counterfeiting, crayon engraving, cut, dactylogram, dactylograph, delineation, dent, depiction, depression, description, details, dictation, differentia, differential, dimple, dint, distinctive feature, earmark, edition, effect, eidolon, embossment, emotion, emotional charge, emotional shade, emulation, engravement, engraving, enlargement, estimate, estimation, etching, ethos, evocation, excrescence, experience, eye, facet, fakery, fancy, fashion, feature, feeling, feeling tone, figuration, figure, fingerprint, flavor, following, footmark, footprint, footstep, force, foreboding, forefeeling, forgery, form, format, formation, fossil footprint, frame, funny feeling, furrow, general belief, genre, gestalt, gouge, graphic account, graphotype, guise, gust, gut reaction, half an idea, hallmark, hazy idea, heartthrob, hectograph copy, hint, hit-off, hollow, hollowness, honeycomb, hunch, ichnite, ichnolite, idea, idiocrasy, idiosyncrasy, image, imagery, imago, imbuement, imitation, impact, impersonation, implantation, imposture, impregnation, impress, impressible, impressionable, imprint, inculcation, incurvation, incurvature, incurvity, indent, indentation, indention, indenture, index, individualism, indoctrination, infixation, infixion, influence, influenceable, infusion, inkling, inner form, inoculation, instillation, instillment, intellection, intellectual object, intimation, intuition, intuitive impression, issue, itemization, judgment, keynote, layout, letterpress, library, library edition, light, lights, likeness, limning, lineaments, linoleum-block print, lithograph, look, lump, mackle, make, makeup, manner, mannerism, mark, marking, matrix, memory-trace, mental image, mental impression, mere notion, mezzotint, mimeograph copy, mimesis, mind, mirroring, modality, mode, model, mold, mystique, nature, negative, notch, notion, number, observation, odor, offcut, offprint, offset, onomatopoeia, opinion, pad, parody, particularity, particularization, passion, pattern, paw print, pawmark, peculiarity, perception, personal judgment, phase, phasis, photocopy, photograph, photostatic copy, picture, pimple, pit, plagiarism, plagiary, pock, pockmark, point of view, popular belief, portrait, portraiture, portrayal, position, positive, posture, preapprehension, premonition, presentiment, presumption, prevailing belief, print, printing, profile, profound sense, proof, property, prototype, public belief, public opinion, pug, pugmark, quality, quirk, reaction, recept, recoil, reference, reflection, reflex, regard, reindoctrination, reissue, rendering, rendition, repercussion, repetition, representation, reprint, reprinting, respect, response, responsive, rubber-block print, run, satire, savor, school edition, seal, seeming, semblance, sensation, sense, sensible, sensile, sensitive, sentiment, series, set, setoff, shape, side, sight, sigil, sign, signet, significant form, simulacrum, simulation, singularity, sketch, slant, smack, sneaking suspicion, specialty, specification, stamp, stance, stat, step, structure, stud, style, suggestion, sunken part, supposition, susceptible, susceptive, suspicion, taint, take-off, takeoff, tang, taste, theory, thinking, thought, thumbmark, thumbprint, token, total effect, trace, track, trade book, trade edition, trait, trick, turn, twist, type, undercurrent, vague feeling, vague idea, vestige, view, viewpoint, vignette, vivid description, volume, way of thinking, wise, wood engraving, woodblock, woodcut, woodprint, word painting, xylograph