List of improve synonyms and improve related words.
accommodate, acculturate, adapt, adjust, advance, alter, ameliorate, amend, apprentice, be changed, be converted into, be renewed, benefit, benefit from, best, better, boost, bottom out, brace up, break, break in, break up, breed, bring forward, bring up, cap, capitalize on, cash in on, change, checker, chop, chop and change, civilize, come about, come along, come around, come on, come round, complete, condition, convalesce, convert, correct, crown, culminate, cultivate, deform, degenerate, denature, deteriorate, develop, deviate, discipline, diverge, diversify, do to perfection, drill, edify, edit, educate, elevate, emend, enhance, enlighten, enrich, exceed, excel, exercise, exploit, fatten, favor, fetch up, fit, fix up, flop, form, forward, foster, further, gain, gain ground, gain strength, get ahead, get along, get better, go ahead, go forward, go one better, go straight, graduate, groom, grow better, haul around, help, house-train, housebreak, illume, illumine, improve on, improve the occasion, improve upon, increase, irradiate, jibe, lard, lick into shape, lift, look up, make an improvement, make capital of, make hay, make headway, make progress, make strides, mature, meliorate, mend, mitigate, modernize, modify, modulate, mutate, nurse, nurture, outweigh, overbalance, overbear, overcome, overhaul, overpass, overthrow, overtop, perfect, perk up, pick up, practice, predominate, prepare, preponderate, prevail, profit by, progress, promote, put in tune, put right, put to advantage, put to school, qualify, raise, rally, re-create, ready, realign, rear, rebuild, recondition, reconstruct, recover, recruit, rectify, recuperate, redeem, redesign, redress, refine, refine upon, refit, reform, refurbish, rehabilitate, rehearse, remake, remedy, remodel, renew, renovate, repair, reshape, restructure, revamp, revise, revive, ring the changes, ripen, rub up, send to school, set right, shape up, shift, shift the scene, show improvement, shuffle the cards, skyrocket, sleep it off, socialize, straighten out, strengthen, subvert, surpass, swerve, tack, take a turn, take advantage of, take in hand, take off, top, tower above, tower over, trade on, train, transcend, transfigure, transform, trump, turn, turn aside, turn into, turn the corner, turn the scale, turn the tables, turn the tide, turn to account, turn to profit, turn to use, turn upside down, undergo a change, update, upgrade, uplift, use to advantage, vary, veer, warp, work a change, worsen