List of incitement synonyms and incitement related words.
aggravation, agitating, agitation, animation, arousal, arousing, awakening, bait, bribe, carrot, clout, compulsion, drive, driving force, electrification, encouragement, enticement, exacerbation, exasperation, excitation, excitement, exciting, exhilaration, exhortation, exhorting, fillip, firing, fomentation, fomenting, galvanization, goading, impellent, impelling force, impetus, impulse, impulsion, incentive, incitation, inducement, inflaming, inflammation, influence, influencing, infuriation, inspiration, instigating, instigation, interest, invitation, irresistible force, irritation, lathering up, lure, moment, momentum, motivation, motive power, mover, needling, payment, pep rally, pep talk, percentage, persuasion, persuasive, perturbation, power, pricking, prodding, profit, prompting, propulsion, provocation, provoking, rabble-rousing, rallying, reward, spurring, steaming up, stimulation, stimulative, stimulus, stirring, stirring up, stirring-up, sweetener, sweetening, temptation, thrust, urging, wakening, whet, whipping, whipping up, working up