List of infecund synonyms and infecund related words.
acarpous, arid, barren, celibate, childless, desert, desolate, drained, dried-up, dry, dull, earthbound, effete, exhausted, fallow, fruitless, gaunt, gelded, impotent, ineffectual, infertile, issueless, jejune, leached, literal, menopausal, mundane, nonfertile, nonproducing, nonproductive, nonprolific, prosaic, prosing, prosy, regrettable, sine prole, staid, sterile, stolid, stuffy, sucked dry, teemless, uncultivated, unfanciful, unfertile, unfruitful, unideal, unimaginative, uninspired, uninventive, unoriginal, unplowed, unpoetic, unproductive, unprolific, unromantic, unromanticized, unsown, untilled, virgin, waste, wasted, without issue