List of inferior synonyms and inferior related words.
Mickey Mouse, adherent, assistant, attendant, auxiliary, average, back-burner, bad, base, black, bootlicker, cheap, cheesy, client, coarse, cog, common, commonality, commonalty, crappy, creature, criminal, crummy, declasse, defective, deficient, demeaning, dependent, deputy, dinky, disadvantaged, disciple, dispensable, doormat, down, earlier, employee, evil, fair, feudal, feudatory, flunky, follower, fourth-class, gimcrack, good-for-nothing, hack, hanger-on, heeler, helper, henchman, hireling, hoi polloi, homager, humble, ill, immaterial, imperfect, improper, in the shade, inaccurate, inadequate, inappreciable, inauspicious, incapable, incapable of, incompetent, inconsequential, inconsiderable, indifferent, ineffective, inefficient, inept, inessential, inexpedient, infra dig, insignificant, insufficient, invalid, irregular, irrelevant, junior, junky, lackey, lacking, less, lesser, lickspittle, liege, liege man, lightweight, little, lousy, low, low-class, low-grade, low-priority, low-quality, low-test, lower, lower class, lower orders, lowest, lowly, malevolent, marginal, masses, mean, mediocre, menial, middling, minion, minor, minus, minute, modest, myrmidon, negligible, nether, no great shakes, no-account, no-good, nonessential, not vital, of no account, of no consequence, of no matter, of no significance, ordinary, paltry, pawn, peccant, peon, petit, poor, poor relation, punk, retainer, right-hand man, satellite, satrap, scrub, second fiddle, second rank, second string, second-best, second-class, second-rate, secondary, seedy, serf, servant, servile, shabby, shoddy, short, short of, sinful, sinister, slave, sleazy, small, sorry, stooge, sub, subaltern, subjacent, subject, subordinate, subservient, substandard, sycophant, tacky, tawdry, technical, third rank, third string, third stringer, third-class, third-rate, tinny, tributary, unable, unable to, under, underling, underprivileged, understrapper, unendowed, unessential, unfavorable, unfit, unfitted, ungifted, unhealthy, unimportant, unimpressive, unkind, unnoteworthy, unpleasant, unqualified, unreached, unskillful, untalented, untoward, unworthy, valueless, vassal, vicious, vulgar, wanting, wicked, worthless, wretched, wrong, yeoman, yes-man