List of infix synonyms and infix related words.
IC analysis, accidence, add, adjoin, affix, affixation, agglutinate, allomorph, allonge, annex, append, appendix, aside, attach, beat into, bed, bound morpheme, brainwash, burden, catechize, coda, codicil, commentary, complicate, condition, confirm, conjoin, conjugation, cutting, declension, decorate, deep-dye, define, derivation, difference of form, embed, enclitic, encumber, engraft, engrave, entrench, envoi, epilogue, episode, establish, etch, fit in, fix, formative, found, free form, glue on, grave, ground, hitch on, imbue, immediate constituent analysis, impact, implant, impregnate, impress, imprint, inculcate, indoctrinate, infixation, inflection, infuse, ingrain, injection, inlay, inoculate, inscribe, inseminate, insert, insertion, insinuation, instill, intercalation, interjection, interlineation, interlocution, interpolation, introduction, jam, join with, lodge, marginalia, morph, morpheme, morphemic analysis, morphemics, morphology, morphophonemics, note, obiter dictum, ornament, pack, paradigm, parenthesis, paste on, plant, plus, postfix, postscript, prefix, prefixation, print, proclitic, program, put with, radical, remark, rider, root, saddle with, scholia, seat, set, set in, settle, side remark, slap on, stamp, stem, stereotype, subjoin, suffix, suffixation, superadd, superpose, tack on, tag, tag on, tail, tessellate, theme, tossing-in, unite with, wedge, word-formation