List of infraction synonyms and infraction related words.
aberrance, aberrancy, abnormality, bad faith, breach, breach of contract, breach of faith, breach of law, breach of privilege, breach of promise, breach of trust, breaking, civil disobedience, contravention, crime, criminality, delinquency, deviance, deviancy, disobedience, encroachment, error, faux pas, frowardness, illegality, improperness, impropriety, inappropriateness, incorrectness, incursion, indecorousness, indecorum, indiscipline, indocility, infringement, inroad, insubordination, intractability, intrusion, lapse, lawbreaking, lawlessness, naughtiness, noncompliance, nonconformity, noncooperation, nonobedience, offense, overstepping, passive resistance, recusancy, sin, sinfulness, slip, transgression, trespass, trespassing, uncooperativeness, unduteousness, undutifulness, unfitness, unfittingness, unlawfulness, unrighteousness, unseemliness, unsubmissiveness, unsuitability, usurpation, violation, violation of law, waywardness, wickedness, willful disobedience, wrong, wrongfulness, wrongness