List of insect synonyms and insect related words.
Chilopoda, Chordata, Echiuroidea, Ectoprocta, Entoprocta, Lepisma, Monoplacophora, Nemertinea, Phoronidea, animal, ant, aphid, aphis, arachnid, arthropod, assassin bug, beast, bedbug, bee, beetle, bluebottle, borer, bug, butterfly, caddis fly, caterpillar, centipede, chafer, chigoe, chilopod, cicada, cicala, cockchafer, cockroach, crane fly, cricket, cucumber flea beetle, cur, curculio, daddy longlegs, damselfly, deer fly, diplopod, dobson fly, dog, dragonfly, drosophila, dung beetle, earwig, ephemerid, firefly, flea, fly, gadfly, glowworm, gnat, grain weevil, grasshopper, harvestman, hexapod, hornet, hound, hyena, jigger, katydid, kissing bug, lacewing, lady beetle, ladybird, ladybug, lantern fly, larva, locust, louse, maggot, mantis, mayfly, mealworm, midge, millepede, miller, millipede, mite, mole cricket, mongrel, mosquito, moth, nymph, pig, polecat, reptile, rice weevil, roach, scarab, scorpion, serpent, silverfish, skunk, snake, spider, springtail, squash bug, stag beetle, stinkbug, stone fly, swine, syrphus fly, tarantula, termite, tick, tiger moth, tsetse fly, tumblebug, varmint, vermin, viper, walkingstick, wasp, water bug, weevil, whelp, wood tick, worm, yellow jacket