List of inspire synonyms and inspire related words.
activate, actuate, affect, affirm, afford hope, animate, arouse, aspirate, assure, augur well, awaken, bid fair, blow, bolster, boost, brace up, breathe, breathe hard, breathe in, breathe out, brighten, bring, bring about, bring on, buck up, buoy up, buttress, call forth, call up, carry, cause, cheer, confirm, contrive, cough, draw down, draw in, draw on, effect, elicit, embolden, embue, encourage, endow, endue, energize, enliven, evoke, exalt, excite, exhale, exhaust, exhilarate, expel, expire, fire, fortify, galvanize, gasp, get, give a lift, give hope, gladden, gulp, hack, have good prospects, hearten, hiccup, hold out hope, hold out promise, huff, imbue, impress, induce, infect, influence, inform, infuse, inhale, inject, inoculate, inspire hope, inspirit, instigate, invigorate, justify hope, kindle, lead, liven, make fair promise, motivate, move, muster up, nerve, obtain, pant, pick up, procure, promise, prompt, provoke, puff, quicken, raise expectations, raise hope, rally, reassure, reinforce, rejoice, rejoice the heart, respire, rouse, set up, sigh, slurp, sneeze, sniff, sniffle, snore, snort, snuff, snuff in, snuffle, spirit, spirit up, stimulate, stir, strengthen, strike, suck, suck in, suckle, summon up, superinduce, support, sway, touch, uplift, vitalize, vivify, waken, wheeze