List of institute synonyms and institute related words.
Schule, academy, alliance, association, author, bear, beget, begin, breed, bring about, bring forth, bring to effect, bring to pass, bring up, broach, cause, christen, commence, conceive, constitute, create, decree, decretum, do, ecole, edict, educational institution, effect, effectuate, engender, escuela, establish, establishment, father, float, form, found, foundation, generate, gestate, give birth to, give occasion to, give origin to, give rise to, guild, inaugurate, incept, induct, initiate, install, institution, introduce, launch, law, league, lift up, make, materialize, occasion, ordinance, organization, organize, originate, pioneer, precept, prescript, produce, raise, realize, regulation, ring in, rule, scholastic institution, school, seminary, set afloat, set agoing, set on foot, set up, sire, society, start, start going, start up, statute, teaching institution, turn on, usher in, work