List of intaglio synonyms and intaglio related words.
anaglyph, aquatint, bas-relief, boss, burin, cameo, cameo glass, cast, cavo-rilievo, cerography, chalcography, crayon engraving, cribbling, cut glass, die, drypoint, embossment, engraving tool, etching, etching ball, etching ground, etching needle, etching point, form, glyph, glyptograph, graver, high relief, intaglio rilevato, intaglio rilievo, last, low relief, mask, matrix, medal, medallion, metal cut, mezzotint, mint, mold, needle, negative, photoengraving, plaquette, plate engraving, point, punch, pyrogravure, relief, relief method, relievo, rocker, scorper, sculptured glass, seal, shoe last, stamp, steel engraving, style, template, wood engraving, woodburning, woodcut, zincography