List of intelligence synonyms and intelligence related words.
Vernunft, account, acquaintance, acumen, advice, alertness, announcement, apprehension, aptitude, aptness, astuteness, atua, blue book, brain, brains, briefing, brightness, broadcast journalism, bugging, bulletin, capacity, clairvoyance, cleverness, cloak-and-dagger work, command, common sense, communication, communique, comprehension, conception, conceptualization, consciousness, corpus, counterespionage, counterintelligence, daemon, data, datum, demon, directory, discernment, discourse of reason, discretion, discursive reason, dispatch, docility, dope, educability, electronic surveillance, enlightenment, espial, espionage, esprit, evidence, evil spirits, experience, expertise, facility, facts, factual base, factual information, familiarity, familiarization, findings, following, foreknowledge, gen, general information, genius, grasp, gray matter, grip, guidebook, handout, hard information, head, headpiece, ideation, impressionability, incidental information, info, information, inside, insight, instruction, intellect, intellection, intellectual, intellectual faculty, intelligence bureau, intelligence service, intelligence work, intimacy, journalism, judgment, keenness, ken, know-how, knowing, knowledge, light, low-down, malleability, mastery, mens, mental capacity, mental grasp, mentality, mention, message, military intelligence, mind, moldability, mother wit, motivation, naval intelligence, news, news agency, news medium, news service, newsiness, newsletter, newsmagazine, newspaper, newsworthiness, notice, notification, nous, observation, perception, percipience, perspicaciousness, perspicacity, plasticity, pliability, poop, power of reason, practical knowledge, precognition, prehension, presentation, press association, private knowledge, privity, promotional material, proof, psyche, publication, publicity, quickness, radio, ratio, ratio cognoscendi, rationality, readiness, reason, reasoning, reasoning faculty, receptivity, release, report, reportage, sagacity, savvy, secret police, secret service, self-knowledge, sense, shadowing, shrewdness, sidelight, smarts, specter, spirit, spying, stakeout, statement, supernatural being, surveillance, susceptibility, tailing, teachability, teachableness, technic, technics, technique, telegraph agency, television, the dope, the fourth estate, the goods, the know, the press, the scoop, tidings, trailing, trainableness, transmission, understanding, white book, white paper, willingness, wire service, wiretap, wiretapping, wisdom, wise man, wit, word