List of intermittently synonyms and intermittently related words.
at intervals, at irregular intervals, at random, at regular intervals, at stated times, brokenly, by catches, by fits, by jerks, by skips, by snatches, capriciously, constantly, desultorily, disconnectedly, discontinuously, eccentrically, erratically, every so often, fitfully, haltingly, haphazardly, here and there, in snatches, in spots, inconstantly, infrequently, irregularly, jerkily, like clockwork, lurchingly, methodically, nonuniformly, occasionally, off and on, patchily, per saltum, punctually, randomly, regularly, roughly, skippingly, spasmodically, sporadically, spottily, steadily, systematically, uncertainly, unevenly, uniformly, unmethodically, unpredictably, unrhythmically, unsteadily, unsystematically, variably, whimsically, willy-nilly, wobblingly