List of interval synonyms and interval related words.
abeyance, amount, aperture, arrearage, breach, break, broaching, caesura, caliber, cavity, cease-fire, cessation, chasm, check, clearing, cleft, coffee break, comma, compass, consecutive intervals, crack, cut, day, day off, defalcation, defect, deficiency, deficit, degree, delay, diapason, diatessaron, diatonic interval, diatonic semitone, disclosure, discontinuity, distance, downtime, drop, enharmonic diesis, enharmonic interval, extent, fateful moment, fenestra, fifth, fissure, fistula, fontanel, foramen, fourth, gap, gape, gat, grade, gulf, half step, half time, half-time intermission, halftone, height, hesitation, hiatus, hole, holiday, hollow, hour, inlet, instant, interim, interlude, intermezzo, intermission, intermittence, interregnum, interruption, interstice, juncture, kairos, lack, lacuna, lapse, laying open, layoff, leak, leap, less semitone, letup, level, lull, mark, meantime, meanwhile, measure, melodic interval, minute, missing link, moment, moment of truth, need, notch, note, nuance, octave, off-time, omission, opening, opening up, orifice, outage, outlet, parallel octaves, parenthesis, pas, passageway, pause, peg, period, pitch, plane, plateau, point, point of repose, pore, pregnant moment, proportion, psychological moment, quiet spell, range, ratio, reach, recess, relief, remission, remove, respite, rest, resting point, round, rung, scale, scope, season, second, semitone, seventh, shade, shadow, shortage, sixth, slot, space, span, spell, split, stage, stair, stand-down, standard, stay, step, stint, stoma, stretch, suspension, third, throwing open, time, time lag, time off, time out, tone, tread, truce, ullage, uncorking, unison interval, unstopping, vacation, void, wait, want, wantage, while, whole step, yawn