List of item synonyms and item related words.
above, additionally, adjunct, adversaria, again, aide-memoire, all included, along, also, altogether, among other things, and all, and also, and so, annotation, appurtenance, article, article of commerce, article of merchandise, as well, aspect, au reste, beside, besides, beyond, case, circumstance, citation, commodity, component, constituent, contents, contingent, count, credit, cross reference, cross section, datum, debit, demonstration, detachment, detail, division, docket, dole, double entry, drug, element, else, en plus, entity, entry, example, exemplification, extra, facet, fact, factor, farther, feature, filler, fixings, footnote, for lagniappe, fraction, further, furthermore, illustration, in addition, incidental, individual, ingredient, installment, instance, integer, integrant, inter alia, into the bargain, jotting, lead item, leader, likewise, loss leader, makings, marginal note, marginalia, matter, memo, memoir, memorandum, memorial, mention, minor detail, minute, minutes, minutia, minutiae, module, more, moreover, notation, note, notice, on the side, on top of, over, parcel, part, part and parcel, particular, percentage, person, persona, piece, plus, point, portion, product, quadrant, quarter, quota, quotation, random sample, reference, regard, register, registry, remainder, reminder, respect, sample, sampling, scholia, scholium, seconds, section, sector, segment, share, similarly, single, single entry, singleton, soul, special, specialty, standard article, staple, staple item, subdivision, subgroup, subspecies, then, therewith, thing, to boot, too, unit, vendible, ware, well, yet