List of jaundice synonyms and jaundice related words.
abscess, ague, anemia, ankylosis, anoxia, apnea, asphyxiation, asthma, ataxia, atrophy, aurify, backache, begild, bend, bent, bias, bleeding, blennorhea, cachexia, cachexy, chill, chills, cholangitis, cholecystitis, cirrhosis, colic, constipation, convulsion, coughing, cyanosis, diarrhea, distort, dizziness, dropsy, dysentery, dyspepsia, dyspnea, edema, emaciation, engild, envy, fainting, fatigue, favoritism, fever, fibrillation, flux, forejudgment, gild, green-eyed jealousy, green-eyed monster, growth, heartburn, heartburning, hemorrhage, hepatitis, hepatoma, high blood pressure, horn-madness, hydrops, hypertension, hypotension, icterus, inclination, indigestion, infectious hepatitis, inflammation, influence, insomnia, itching, jalousie, jaundiced eye, jealousness, jealousy, labored breathing, leaning, low blood pressure, lumbago, marasmus, nasal discharge, nausea, necrosis, one-sidedness, pain, paralysis, partialism, partiality, partisanship, preconception, predilection, prejudgment, prejudice, prejudice against, prejudice the issue, prepossess, prepossession, pruritus, rash, rheum, sallow, sallowness, sclerosis, seizure, serum hepatitis, shock, skin eruption, sneezing, sore, spasm, sway, tabes, tachycardia, tumor, turn yellow, twist, undetachment, undispassionateness, upset stomach, vertigo, vomiting, warp, wasting, xanthochroism, yellow, yellow complexion, yellow race, yellow skin