List of jaw synonyms and jaw related words.
abuse, babble, bark at, baste, bat the breeze, bazoo, beat the gums, berate, betongue, blab, blabber, blacken, blather, blether, carpet, chaps, chat, chatter, chin, chops, clack, clatter, dither, embouchure, execrate, fulminate against, gab, gabble, gas, gibber, gibble-gabble, go on, gob, gossip, gush, haver, jabber, jaws, jowls, kisser, lip, lips, load with reproaches, mandibles, maw, maxilla, mouth, mug, mush, muzzle, natter, oral cavity, palaver, patter, pour forth, prate, prattle, premaxilla, rag, rail, rail at, ramble on, rate, rattle, rattle on, rave against, reel off, revile, run on, sass, sauce, shoot the breeze, spiel, spout, spout off, talk away, talk nonsense, talk on, thunder against, tittle-tattle, tongue-lash, trap, twaddle, twattle, upbraid, vilify, vituperate, waffle, wig, yak, yakkety-yak, yap, yell at, yelp at