List of jest synonyms and jest related words.
Parthian shot, a continental, a curse, a damn, a darn, a hoot, back answer, badinage, bagatelle, banter, bauble, be merry with, bean, belly laugh, bibelot, bit, blue story, brass farthing, butt, button, byword, byword of reproach, caustic remark, cent, chaff, comeback, crack, crack a joke, crack wise, curio, cut, cutting remark, derision, dig, dirty joke, dirty story, double entendre, drollery, dump, dupe, ethnic joke, exchange, fair game, farce, farthing, feather, fig, figure of fun, fleabite, fleer, fleer at, flout, folderol, fool, foolery, fooling, fooling around, fribble, frippery, fun, funny story, gag, game, gaud, gazingstock, gewgaw, gibe, gibe at, gibing retort, gimcrack, gird, give-and-take, goat, good one, good story, good-natured banter, hair, halfpenny, harmless teasing, haze, hill of beans, howler, jab, jape, jeer, jestbook, jestingstock, jive, joke, jolly, josh, kickshaw, kid, kid around, kidding, kidding around, knickknack, knickknackery, laugh, laughingstock, leg-pull, make a funny, make fun, make fun of, minikin, mock, mockery, molehill, monkey, needle, panic, parting shot, peppercorn, persiflage, picayune, pilgarlic, pin, pinch of snuff, pinprick, play, play on words, pleasantry, point, poke fun at, pun, put on, put-down, put-on, quip, rag, raillery, rally, rallying, rap, razz, red cent, rib, rib tickler, ride, ridicule, riot, roast, row of pins, rude reproach, rush, scintillate, scoff, scoff at, scream, scurrility, shit, short answer, sick joke, sidesplitter, sight gag, slam, slap, snap, sneeshing, sou, sparkle, sport, stock, story, straw, swipe, target, taunt, tease, toy, trifle, trinket, triviality, tuppence, twit, two cents, twopence, utter a mot, verbal thrust, victim, visual joke, waggery, wheeze, whim-wham, wisecrack, witticism, wow, yak, yarn