List of jig synonyms and jig related words.
Charleston, Highland fling, Lambeth Walk, Mexican hat dance, Portland fancy, Virginia reel, Watusi, allemande, and jump, angle, bait, bait the hook, barn dance, belly dance, birdlime, bob, bobble, bola, bolero, boogaloo, bounce, bound, bourree, boutade, branle, breakdown, broad jump, buck, buckjump, bump, bunny hop, cakewalk, can-can, capriole, cha-cha, chonchina, clam, clog, cobweb, conga, cotillion, country dance, courante, curvet, dap, demivolt, device, dib, dibble, didder, dither, dragnet, drive, falter, fan dance, fandango, feint, fidget, fish, fishhook, flamenco, flick, fling, flip, flirt, flounce, fly, fly-fish, flying jump, folk dance, fox trot, galliard, gambit, gavotte, gelandesprung, german, gig, gill net, gimmick, go fishing, grand jete, grig, grimace, ground bait, guddle, handspring, have the fidgets, high jump, hippety-hop, hitch, hokey-pokey, hook, hootchy-kootchy, hop, hopak, hornpipe, hula, hula-hula, hurdle, hustle, interpretative dance, itch, jack, jacklight, jar, jerk, jete, jigger, jigget, jiggle, jog, joggle, jolt, jostle, jump, jump shot, jump turn, jump-hop, jump-off, kola, lancers, lariat, lasso, lavolta, leap, leapfrog, limbo, lime, lindy, long jump, lure, mambo, mazurka, meshes, minuet, monkey, morris, net, noose, ox dance, pachanga, pas de deux, pas seul, paso doble, passamezzo, peabody, play, ploy, pluck, plug, pole vault, polka, polonaise, pounce, pound net, purse seine, quadrille, quake, quaver, quiver, rain dance, reel, rictus, rigadoon, rumba, running broad jump, running high jump, ruse, samba, saut de basque, seine, shake, shimmy, shiver, shock, shrimp, shudder, ski jump, skip, snake, snake dance, snare, snatch, sniggle, spin, spinner, spring, springe, square dance, squid, start, steeplechase, still-fish, strathspey, sudden pull, swim, sword dance, tango, tap dance, tarantella, tic, toils, torch, tour jete, trawl, tremble, tremor, trepak, troll, turkey trot, tweak, twist, twitch, twitter, upleap, upspring, valse, vault, vellicate, waltz, war dance, whale, whizzer, wile, wobble, wobbler, wrench, yank, yerk