List of jolly synonyms and jolly related words.
Naval Reservist, Royal Marine, Seabee, addled, animated, appease, banter, beery, bemused, besotted, blandish, blarney, blind drunk, blithe, blithesome, bluejacket, boon, boot, butter, butter up, buxom, cadet, cajole, carouse, celebrate, chaff, cheerful, cheery, coltish, convivial, crapulent, crapulous, cut loose, debauch, deceive, dizzy, drenched, drunk, drunken, exuberant, far-gone, festal, festive, flustered, fool, fou, free and easy, frisky, frivolous, frogman, frolicsome, full, fun, gala, gay, get around, giddy, gladsome, gleeful, glorious, gob, hail-fellow-well-met, happy, haze, hearty, hell around, high-spirited, hilarious, hoax, honey, horse marine, humor, in liquor, inebriate, inebriated, inebrious, intoxicated, jape, jest, jive, jocose, jocular, jocund, joke, jollify, josh, jovial, joyful, joyous, jubilant, kid, kid along, lark, laughter-loving, lay it on, let go, let loose, let off steam, lighthearted, make merry, make whoopee, marine, maudlin, mellow, merry, merrymaking, midshipman, midshipmite, mirth-loving, mirthful, mischievous, muddled, nappy, naval cadet, navy man, needle, oil, on the loose, overdo it, play up to, playful, put on, rag, raise hell, rally, razz, reeling, rejoicing, revel, rib, ride, risible, roast, roguish, roister, see life, shikker, skylark, soap, sodden, soft-soap, soften up, sotted, sportive, spree, step out, string along, stroke, swabbie, tease, tiddly, tipsy, twit, under the influence, waggish, wanton, whoop it up