List of judicial synonyms and judicial related words.
actionable, analytical, applicable, authorized, careful, circumspect, competent, considerate, constitutional, critical, curial, discerning, discreet, discriminating, discriminative, discriminatory, distinguishing, enlightened, fair, forensic, impartial, judgmatic, judgmental, judicative, judicatorial, judicatory, judiciary, judicious, juridic, juridical, jurisdictional, jurisdictive, juristic, just, justiciable, keen, kosher, lawful, lawmaking, legal, legislative, legit, legitimate, licit, magisterial, official, perceptive, percipient, perspicacious, politic, provident, prudent, prudential, reflecting, reflective, rightful, sanctioned, sharp, statutory, thoughtful, tribunal, valid, well-advised, well-judged, within the law