List of kernel synonyms and kernel related words.
Brazil nut, acorn, almond, almond paste, amande, amande douce, amandes mondees, axiom, axis, bench mark, berry, bird seed, bitter almond, blanched almonds, burnt almond, cardinal point, center, center of action, center of gravity, centroid, centrum, chief thing, climax, core, cornerstone, crisis, critical point, crux, dead center, diameter, diaphragm, distillate, distillation, elixir, epicenter, equator, essence, essential, essential matter, fabric, flaxseed, flower, focus, fruit, fundamental, gist, goober, goober pea, grain, gravamen, great point, ground-pea, groundnut, hayseed, heart, high point, hub, hypostasis, important thing, inner essence, interior, issue, keystone, landmark, linseed, main point, main thing, marrow, material, material point, matter, mean, meat, median, medium, medulla, metacenter, middle, midmost, midriff, midst, milestone, nave, navel, nigger toe, noisette, noix, nub, nubbin, nucleus, nut, nuts and bolts, omphalos, peanut, peanut butter, pip, pit, pith, pivot, postulate, principle, quid, quiddity, quintessence, real issue, salient point, salted peanuts, sap, seed, sine qua non, soul, spirit, stone, storm center, stuff, substance, substantive point, sum and substance, sweet almond, the bottom line, the nitty-gritty, the point, thick, thick of things, turning point, umbilicus, upshot, waist, waistline, zone