List of key synonyms and key related words.
French pitch, Rasputin, Svengali, TelAutography, Teletype, Teletype network, Teletyping, VIP, access, accommodate, accord, achromatism, adapt, adjust, adjust to, aerophone, ait, amplification, archipelago, assimilate, atoll, attune, axial, bad influence, bang, bar, barricade, batten, batten down, bell, big wheel, bilingual text, bolt, bottle opener, button, button up, can opener, cast, catchword, cay, centermost, central, centralized, centric, centroidal, centrosymmetric, choke, choke off, chromatism, chromism, church key, clap, clarification, classical pitch, clavis, close, close up, closed-circuit telegraphy, clue, code, color, color balance, color harmony, color scheme, coloration, coloring, complexion, concentrated, constrict, contain, continental island, contract, coordinate, coral head, coral island, coral reef, corkscrew, court, cover, crib, critical, crucial, cue, cue word, cut to, decipherment, decoding, decorator color, depth, description, dominant, double reed, duplex telegraphy, electricity, embouchure, eminence grise, equalize, essential, evidence, explanation, explication, facsimile telegraph, faithful translation, fasten, fit, five-percenter, fix, fold, fold up, free translation, frequency, friend at court, gear to, geocentric, gloss, glossary, good influence, gray eminence, guide, harmonize, heavyweight, height, hidden hand, high pitch, hint, holm, homologate, homologize, horn, hot lead, hue, humor, important, indication, indicator, influence, influence peddler, influencer, ingroup, insularity, interlinear, interlinear translation, interrupter, intimation, island, island group, islandology, isle, islet, key signature, key to, key word, keynote, kingmaker, latch, latchkey, latchstring, lead, legend, level, lip, lobby, lobbyist, lock, lock out, lock up, loose translation, lords of creation, low pitch, main, major, major key, make plumb, make uniform, man of influence, manipulator, master key, measure, mediant, metaphrase, middle, middlemost, midmost, minor, mood, mouthpiece, multiplex telegraphy, natural color, necessary, new philharmonic pitch, news ticker, note, occlude, oceanic island, omphalic, open sesame, opener, padlock, pallor, paraphrase, passkey, password, pedal point, philharmonic pitch, philosophical pitch, pipe, pitch, pivotal, plumb, pony, powers that be, pressure group, proportion, put in tune, quadruplex telegraphy, railroad telegraphy, receiver, reconcile, rectify, reed, reef, register, regulate, restatement, rewording, right, sandbank, sandbar, scent, seal, seal off, seal up, secure, sender, set, set right, shade, shut, shut the door, shut up, similarize, simplex telegraphy, single-current telegraphy, sinister influence, skeleton key, skin color, slam, slide, snap, sounder, special interests, special-interest group, spoor, squeeze shut, standard pitch, stock ticker, strangle, style, subdominant, submarine telegraphy, submediant, subtonic, suggestion, supertonic, sync, synchronize, tailor, telegraphics, telegraphy, teleprinter, teletypewriter, teletypewriting, telex, telltale, tenor, the Establishment, ticker, ticket, timbre, tin opener, tinct, tincture, tinge, tint, tip-off, tonality, tone, tonic, tonic key, tooter, trace, transcription, translation, transliteration, transmitter, trim to, trot, true, true up, tune, typotelegraph, typotelegraphy, umbilical, undercolor, valve, very important person, vestige, vital, wheeler-dealer, whiff, wind, wind instrument, wire service, wire-puller, zip up, zipper