List of kibbutz synonyms and kibbutz related words.
arable land, barnyard, barton, cattle ranch, chicken farm, collective farm, collectivism, collectivity, collegiality, common ownership, communal effort, communion, communism, community, cooperation, cooperative society, cotton plantation, croft, dairy farm, demesne, demesne farm, democracy, dry farm, dude ranch, factory farm, fallow, farm, farmery, farmhold, farmland, farmplace, farmstead, farmyard, fruit farm, fur farm, grain farm, grange, grassland, hacienda, homecroft, homefarm, homestead, kolkhoz, location, mains, manor farm, orchard, pasture, pen, plantation, poultry farm, profit sharing, public ownership, ranch, rancheria, rancho, sharecropping, sheep farm, socialism, state ownership, station, steading, stock farm, toft, town meeting, truck farm