List of lair synonyms and lair related words.
abri, adytum, antre, ashram, asylum, bolt-hole, bordello, brothel, bunker, burrow, cache, cathouse, cave, cavern, cell, clip joint, cloister, concealment, corner, couch, cove, cover, covert, coverture, cranny, cubby, cubbyhole, dark corner, den, den of thieves, dive, dugout, dump, earth, fleshpots, form, foxhole, funk hole, grot, grotto, gyp joint, hermitage, hideaway, hideout, hidey hole, hiding, hiding place, hole, hollow, holy of holies, ivory tower, joint, lodge, mew, nest, niche, nook, privacy, recess, refuge, retreat, run, sanctuary, sanctum, sanctum sanctorum, secret place, sewer, sporting house, stash, stews, subterrane, subway, tunnel, undercovert, warren, whorehouse