List of lamb synonyms and lamb related words.
agneau, angel, babe, baby, baby-doll, bairn, bellwether, birdling, breast of lamb, buttercup, calf, catling, cherub, chick, chickabiddy, chickling, chicky, child, child of nature, chit, colt, cub, darling, dear, deary, dogie, doll, dove, duck, duckling, dupe, ewe, ewe lamb, fawn, fledgling, foal, fryer, gigot, gosling, hick, hon, honey, honey bunch, honey child, infant, ingenue, innocent, jambe de mouton, jumbuck, kid, kit, kitten, lambkin, leg of lamb, leg of mutton, litter, little bugger, little fellow, little guy, little innocent, little one, little tad, little tot, lout, love, lover, mere child, mite, mouton, mutton, nest, nestling, newborn babe, nipper, noble savage, oaf, offspring, peewee, pet, petkins, piglet, pigling, polliwog, precious, precious heart, pullet, pup, puppy, ram, rube, saddle of mutton, shaver, sheep, shoat, simple soul, snookums, sugar, sweet, sweetheart, sweetie, sweetkins, sweets, tad, tadpole, teg, tot, tup, unsophisticate, weaner, wee tot, wether, whelp, yeanling, yokel