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laze synonyms and laze related words

Synonyms -> laze synonyms

List of laze synonyms and laze related words.

amble, bum, bum around, claudicate, crawl, creep, do nothing, dogtrot, drag, drag along, drag out, go dead slow, go slow, goldbrick, goof off, hang around, hobble, idle, idleness, inch, inch along, indolence, jog-trot, laziness, lazy, lie around, limp, loaf, loiter, loiter about, loll, loll around, lollop around, lounge, lounge around, mooch around, moon, moon around, mosey, poke, poke along, saunter, shuffle along, sit around, slothfulness, slouch, slouch around, sluggishness, stagger along, stand around, stroll, toddle, toddle along, totter along, traipse, waddle, walk, worm, worm along