List of lazy synonyms and lazy related words.
Micawberish, airy, ambling, backward, bone-lazy, bum, bum around, cadging, careless, casual, cautious, circumspect, claudicant, comatose, crawling, creeping, creeping like snail, cursory, dallying, degage, delaying, deliberate, dilatory, dillydallying, disregardant, disregardful, do nothing, do-nothing, doless, dronish, drony, easy, easygoing, ergophobic, faineant, faltering, flagging, flippant, foot-dragging, forgetful, free and easy, gentle, goldbrick, good-for-nothing, goof off, gradual, halting, hang around, heedless, hobbled, hobbling, idle, inactive, inconsiderate, indifferent, indolent, inert, insouciant, lackadaisical, laggard, lagging, languid, languorous, lax, laze, leisurely, lethargic, lie around, limping, lingering, listless, loaf, loiter, loiter about, loitering, loll, loll around, lollop around, lounge, lounge around, lumbering, moderate, mooch around, moon, moon around, neglectful, negligent, nonaggressive, oblivious, offhand, otiose, parasitic, passive, perfunctory, poking, poky, procrastinating, procrastinative, procrastinatory, reckless, regardless, relaxed, reluctant, remiss, respectless, sauntering, scrounging, shiftless, shuffling, sit around, slack, slothful, slouch, slouch around, slow, slow as death, slow as molasses, slow as slow, slow-crawling, slow-foot, slow-going, slow-legged, slow-moving, slow-paced, slow-poky, slow-running, slow-sailing, slow-stepped, sluggish, snail-paced, snaillike, sponging, staggering, stand around, strolling, supine, tactless, tentative, thoughtless, toddling, torpid, tortoiselike, tottering, trifling, trudging, turtlelike, undiplomatic, unenterprising, unheedful, unheeding, unhurried, unmindful, unprepared, unready, unsolicitous, untactful, unthinking, waddling, work-shy