List of leaf synonyms and leaf related words.
Burley, Cuban, Havana, Havana seed, Latakia, Maryland, Russian, Turkish, Virginia, acknowledgments, back, back matter, bastard title, bibliography, blade, bract, bracteole, bractlet, bright, bud, burgeon, burst forth, canaster, cardboard, catch line, catchword, coat, coating, collop, colophon, contents, contents page, copyright page, cotyledon, covering, cut, deal, dedication, disk, endleaf, endpaper, endsheet, errata, feuille, film, flag, flap, floral leaf, flourish, flue-cured, flyleaf, foil, fold, folio, foliole, fore edge, foreword, frond, front matter, gemmate, germinate, glume, grow, grow rank, half-title page, head, imprint, index, inscription, introduction, involucre, involucrum, lamella, lamina, laminated glass, laminated wood, lap, leaf out, leaflet, leave, lemma, ligule, lugs, luxuriate, makeup, membrane, needle, overgrow, overrun, page, pane, panel, paper, patina, peel, pellicle, petal, pile, pine needle, plait, plank, plate, plating, plug tobacco, ply, plywood, preface, preliminaries, pullulate, put forth, put forth leaves, put out buds, quire, rasher, ream, recto, reverso, riot, root, running title, safety glass, scum, seconds, seed leaf, sepal, shag, sheet, shoot, shoot up, signature, skin, slab, slat, slice, spathe, spear, spire, sprout, sprout up, stationery, stipula, stipule, strike root, subtitle, table, table of contents, tablet, tail, take root, text, title, title page, trim size, type page, upspear, upsprout, vegetate, veneer, verso, wafer