List of levitation synonyms and levitation related words.
Ouija, airiness, anabasis, ascension, ascent, automatic writing, automatism, bubbliness, buoyancy, clamber, climb, climbing, daintiness, delicacy, downiness, elevation, escalade, ethereality, floatability, fluffiness, foaminess, fountain, frothiness, gentleness, gossameriness, gush, gyring up, increase, jet, jump, lack of weight, leap, levity, lightness, materialization, mount, mounting, planchette, poltergeist, poltergeistism, psychography, psychorrhagy, rise, rising, rocketing up, saltation, shooting up, soaring, softness, spirit manifestation, spirit rapping, spout, spring, spurt, surge, table tipping, takeoff, taking off, telekinesis, teleportation, telesthesia, tenderness, trance speaking, unheaviness, upclimb, upcoming, updraft, upgang, upgo, upgoing, upgrade, upgrowth, uphill, upleap, uplift, upping, uprisal, uprise, uprising, uprush, upshoot, upslope, upsurge, upsurgence, upsweep, upswing, vault, volatility, weightlessness, yeastiness, zooming