List of levy synonyms and levy related words.
angary, annex, annexation, annexure, ask, ask for, assess, assessment, attach, attachment, beat the drums, blackmail, boot, bugle call, burden with, call, call for, call to arms, call up, call-up, catchword, cess, challenge, charge, charge for, claim, clamor for, clarion, clarion call, collectivization, collectivize, commandeer, commandeering, communalization, communalize, communization, communize, compulsory military service, confiscate, confiscation, conscience money, conscript, conscription, contribution, cry for, demand, demand for, detach, detach for service, direct tax, distrain, distraint, distress, draft, draft call, drafted man, draftee, drafting, drain, duty, eminent domain, enjoin, enlist, enlistee, enlistment, enroll, enrollee, enrollment, exact, exaction, execution, exhortation, expropriate, expropriation, extort, extortion, extortionate demand, fasten upon, freight with, garnish, garnishment, go for broke, graduated taxation, gung ho, heavy demand, impose, impose on, impose upon, imposition, impost, impound, impoundment, impress, impressment, indent, indirect tax, induct, inductee, induction, inflict on, inflict upon, insistent demand, issue an ultimatum, join, joint return, lay, lay on, list, make a demand, make dutiable, mobilization, mobilize, muster, muster in, nationalization, nationalize, nonnegotiable demand, notice, order, order up, place, place an order, press, pro rata, progressive tax, prorate, put, put down, put in requisition, put on, put upon, raise, rally, rallying cry, raw recruit, rebel yell, recruit, recruiting, recruitment, replevin, replevy, require, requirement, requisition, right of angary, rookie, rush, rush order, saddle with, screw, selectee, selective service, separate returns, sequester, sequestrate, sequestration, set, sign on, sign up, single tax, slogan, socialization, socialize, stick for, subject to, summon, summons, supertax, surtax, tariff, task, tax, tax base, tax dodging, tax evasion, tax exemption, tax return, tax structure, tax withholding, tax-exempt status, taxable income, taxation, taxing, tenderfoot, tithe, toll, trainee, tribute, trumpet call, ultimatum, war cry, war whoop, warn, warning, watchword, weight down with, withholding tax, wrest, wring, yoke with