List of library synonyms and library related words.
ALA, American Library Association, Bodleian Library, British Museum, Festschrift, Indian reservation, Library of Congress, Vatican Library, ana, anthology, aquarium, archives, armory, arsenal, atelier, athenaeum, attic, back number, bank, basement, bay, bibliotheca, bin, bird sanctuary, body, bonded warehouse, book wagon, bookcase, bookery, bookmobile, bookroom, box, bunker, buttery, cargo dock, cellar, chest, chrestomathy, circulating library, closet, collectanea, collection, compilation, conservatory, copy, corpus, crate, crib, cupboard, data, depository, depot, dock, drawer, dump, edition, exchequer, florilegium, forest preserve, fund, game reserve, glory hole, godown, hold, holdings, hutch, impression, issue, lending library, library edition, locker, loft, lumber room, lumberyard, magasin, magazine, menagerie, museum, national forest, national park, number, office, paradise, park, preserve, printing, public library, rack, raw data, reading room, rental library, repertory, repository, reservation, reserve, reservoir, rick, sail loft, sanctuary, school edition, series, set, shelf, stack, stack room, stacks, state forest, stock room, storage, store, storehouse, storeroom, studio, study, supply base, supply depot, tank, trade book, trade edition, treasure, treasure house, treasure room, treasury, vat, vault, volume, warehouse, wilderness preserve, wildlife preserve, wine cellar, workroom, zoo