List of lie synonyms and lie related words.
aim, aspect, attitude, azimuth, be found, be located, be met with, be present, be situated, be there, be untruthful, bearing, bearings, beguile, bent, blague, bouncer, canard, carry, celestial navigation, cheat, cock-and-bull story, course, cover, crawl, current, dead reckoning, deceitfulness, deceive, delude, direction, direction line, dishonesty, distort, distortion, draw the longbow, drift, dwell in, encompass, environ, equivocate, evade, exaggerate, exaggeration, exist, exposure, extend, fable, fairy tale, falsehood, falsification, falsify, falsity, farfetched story, farrago, fib, fiction, fish story, fix, flam, flimflam, forgery, fraudulence, frontage, ghost story, go, go out, grovel, half-truth, heading, helmsmanship, hold, inaccuracy, inclination, indwell, inhere, inveracity, lay, legal fiction, libel, lie athwart, lie down, lie flat, lie flatly, lie in, lie limply, lie prone, lie prostrate, line, line of direction, line of march, line of position, little white lie, loll, lounge, mendacity, misguide, misinform, misinstruct, mislead, misrepresentation, misstate, misstatement, myth, navigation, occur, orientation, palter, perjury, pilotage, piloting, pious fiction, point, position, position line, prevaricate, prevarication, quarter, radio bearing, range, reach, reach out, recline, remain, repose, reside, rest, ride, ride at anchor, ride easy, ride hawse full, run, set, shift, shift about, slight stretching, song and dance, span, speak falsely, sprawl, spread, stand, steerage, steering, story, straddle, stretch, stretch out, stretch the truth, surround, sweep, take in, tale, tall story, tall tale, taradiddle, tell a lie, tendency, tenor, thrust out, track, trend, trumped-up story, untruth, way, white lie, yarn