List of lieutenant synonyms and lieutenant related words.
ADC, CO, G-man, MP, OD, acolyte, adjutant, admiral, advocate, agent, aid, aide, aide-de-camp, aider, alter ego, alternate, amicus curiae, assistant, attendant, attorney, auxiliary, backup, backup man, bailiff, beadle, beagle, best man, bound bailiff, brigadier, brigadier general, captain, catchpole, champion, chicken colonel, chief of police, chief of staff, chief petty officer, coadjutant, coadjutor, coadjutress, coadjutrix, colonel, commandant, commander, commander in chief, commanding officer, commissioned officer, commissioner, commodore, company officer, constable, deputy, deputy sheriff, detective, dummy, ensign, exec, executive officer, exponent, fed, federal, field marshal, field officer, figurehead, first lieutenant, five-star general, fleet admiral, flic, four-star general, gendarme, general, general officer, generalissimo, government man, help, helper, helpmate, helpmeet, inspector, jemadar, junior officer, lictor, lieutenant colonel, lieutenant commander, lieutenant general, lieutenant junior grade, locum, locum tenens, mace-bearer, major, major general, marechal, marshal, mounted policeman, narc, naval officer, navarch, officer, one-star general, orderly officer, paranymph, paraprofessional, patrolman, peace officer, petty officer, pinch hitter, pleader, police captain, police commissioner, police constable, police inspector, police matron, police officer, police sergeant, policeman, policewoman, portreeve, procurator, proxy, rear admiral, reeve, representative, risaldar, roundsman, second, second in command, secondary, senior officer, sergeant, sergeant at arms, servant, shavetail, sheriff, sideman, sirdar, skipper, staff officer, stand-in, subahdar, subaltern, sublieutenant, substitute, superintendent, supporting actor, supporting instrumentalist, surrogate, the Old Man, the brass, three-star general, tipstaff, tipstaves, top brass, trooper, two-star general, understudy, utility man, vicar, vicar general, vice, vice admiral, vicegerent, warrant officer