List of life of the party synonyms and life of the party related words.
activator, animator, arouser, bad boy, banana, bon vivant, booger, buffoon, bugger, burlesquer, caricaturist, clown, clubman, clubwoman, comedian, comic, cutup, devil, elf, energizer, enfant terrible, epigrammatist, excellent companion, funmaker, funnyman, gag writer, gagman, gagster, good company, good mixer, hood, hoodlum, hooligan, human dynamo, humorist, imp, ironist, jester, joiner, joker, jokesmith, jokester, knave, lampooner, life, little devil, little monkey, little rascal, madcap, man-about-town, minx, mischief, mischief-maker, mixer, motivating force, motive power, nightclub habitue, parodist, pixie, playboy, pleasant company, practical joker, prankster, puck, punner, punster, quipster, rapscallion, rascal, reparteeist, restorative, rogue, rowdy, ruffian, satirist, scamp, scapegrace, social lion, spark plug, stimulant, stimulator, stimulus, tonic, wag, wagwit, wisecracker, wit, witling, zany