List of lift synonyms and lift related words.
Caelus, Great Leap Forward, Olympian heights, Sunday drive, a leg up, abstract, acculturate, acme, advance, advancement, aerial heights, aerosphere, aggrandize, aid, air, airing, ameliorate, amelioration, amend, amendment, amortize, and, annex, annul, apex, appropriate, arise, ascend, ascent, aspire, assist, assistance, atmosphere, azure, bag, bang, be poised, bear, better, bettering, betterment, billow, biosphere, blue sky, boost, boot, bore, borrow, break, breakers, bring forward, buoy up, burglary, caelum, cancel, canopy, canopy of heaven, caper, carry, cast up, cerulean, charge, chop, choppiness, chopping sea, civilize, clear, comb, comber, comfort, conduct, confiscate, convey, cop, cope, copy, crab, crane, crash, crib, dash, defraud, deify, derrick, dignify, dirty water, disappear, discharge, discontinue, dismantle, dissipate, dizzy heights, drive, dumbwaiter, eagre, ebb and flow, ecosphere, edify, educate, elate, elevate, elevation, elevator, embezzle, emend, eminence, empyrean, encouragement, end, enhance, enhancement, enlighten, ennoble, enrich, enrichment, enshrine, erect, erector, escalate, escalator, ether, eugenics, euthenics, exalt, extort, fatten, favor, filch, firmament, flush, fly, forklift, forward, foster, freight, furtherance, gantry crane, gaseous envelope, go straight, grab, gravity wave, ground swell, hand, headway, heave, heaven, heavens, heavy sea, heavy swell, heft, height, heighten, heights, heist, helping hand, hike, hoick, hoist, hold up, honor, hook, hyaline, hydraulic tailgate, immortalize, improve, improve upon, improvement, inducement, inspiration, jack, jackscrew, jerk up, job, jollies, joyride, kick, knock up, larceny, lard, leg, leg up, lever, levitate, liberate, lift up, lifter, lifts, liquidate, lob, loft, lop, lug, magnify, make accounts square, make an improvement, make off with, manhandle, meliorate, melioration, mend, mending, mount, moving staircase, nick, nip, noosphere, nurture, pack, palm, pay in full, pay off, pay the bill, pay the shot, pay up, peak, perk up, pick up, pickup, pilfer, pinch, plagiarize, poach, pocket, popple, preferment, progress, progression, promote, promotion, purloin, purloining, quiver, raise, raise up, rear, rear up, reassurance, recall, recovery, redeem, refine upon, reform, relief, repeal, rescind, restoration, retire, reverse, revival, ride, riffle, rip-off, ripple, rise, rise and fall, rising ground, robbery, rocket, roll, roller, rough water, run away with, rush, rush of emotion, rustle, satisfy, scend, scrounge, sea, send, sensation, set up, settle, shiver, shoplift, shudder, sky, smash, snare, snatch, snitch, soar, socialize, spin, square, square accounts, starry heaven, steal, stealage, stealing, steep, stick up, stimulus, stop, straighten out, stratosphere, strike a balance, succor, support, surf, surge, surge of emotion, swell, swindle, swipe, tackle, take, take away, take up, terminate, the blue, the blue serene, theft, thieve, thievery, thieving, thrill, throw up, tidal bore, tidal wave, tide wave, tingle, tingling, titillation, toss, tote, touch, tower, transfigure, transform, transport, tremor, tremor of excitement, trough, tsunami, undulate, undulation, up, upbeat, upbuoy, upcast, upgrade, upheave, uphoist, uphold, uplift, upping, upraise, uprear, uprise, upswing, upthrow, uptrend, upward mobility, vanish, vantage ground, vantage point, vault, vault of heaven, void, waft, walk off with, water wave, wave, wavelet, welkin, whirl, whisk, white horses, whitecaps, windlass, wing, withdraw, zenith