List of lightweight synonyms and lightweight related words.
Boeotian, Chinese boxer, Milquetoast, a nobody, a nothing, baby, bantam, bantamweight, banty, big baby, black belt, block, boxer, breakable, brittle, brown belt, bruiser, button, catchweight, cheap-jack, chicken, chit, cipher, clod, cobwebby, cog, common man, commonality, commonalty, creature, crumbly, crybaby, dainty, delicate, delicately weak, diminutive, dimwit, dolt, donkey, doormat, dope, dull tool, dullard, dumb cluck, dumbbell, dummy, dunce, effeminate, featherweight, fighter, figurehead, fingerling, fisticuffer, flimsy, flunky, flyweight, follower, forceless, fragile, frail, frangible, gimcrack, gimcracky, gossamery, gowk, gutless wonder, heavyweight, hoi polloi, imponderous, impotent, ineffective, ineffectual, inefficacious, inferior, insignificancy, invertebrate, jackstraw, jellyfish, jerry, jerry-built, jobbernowl, junior, karate expert, lackwit, lamebrain, light, light heavyweight, little fellow, little guy, looby, loon, lower class, lower orders, man of straw, masses, mediocrity, meek soul, middleweight, milksop, mini, minikin, minnow, minny, mollycoddle, mouse, namby-pamby, nebbish, niais, nincompoop, ninny, ninnyhammer, nitwit, no-account, nobody one knows, noddy, nonentity, nubbin, obscurity, of no account, palooka, pansy, pantywaist, papery, pasteboardy, pawn, peewee, pip-squeak, pony, powerless, prizefighter, pug, pugilist, punk, puny, pushover, put, runt, sad sack, savate expert, scrub, second fiddle, secondary, shattery, shrimp, sissified, sissy, sleazy, slight, slip, small fry, small potato, small potatoes, snip, snippet, softling, softy, sop, sparrer, squirt, squit, stupid, subaltern, subordinate, tacky, thickwit, third stringer, tit, unauthoritative, underling, understrapper, underweight, unheavy, unsubstantial, wart, weak, weak sister, weakling, weightless, welterweight, whiffet, whippersnapper, wisp, wispy, without any weight, witling, womanish, yes-man