List of like synonyms and like related words.
Amor, Christian love, Eros, Platonic love, admiration, admire, adoration, adore, adulate, affection, after this fashion, agape, agnate, aim at, akin, alike, all one, all the same, allied, ally, along these lines, alter ego, analogon, analogous, analogue, aped, appreciate, approve, approve of, approximate, approximating, approximative, ardency, ardor, as, as if, as though, ask, associate, at par, at what price, attachment, au pair, bask in, be desirous of, be fond of, be partial to, be pleased with, bodily love, brother, brotherly love, burn with love, by what mode, by what name, care for, caritas, charity, choose, close, close copy, close match, close to, coequal, coextensive, cognate, commensurate, companion, comparable, compeer, complement, comprehend, congenator, congener, conjugal love, consimilar, consonant, consubstantial, coordinate, copied, correlate, correlative, correspondent, corresponding, correspondingly, counterfeit, counterpart, delight in, derive pleasure from, desiderate, desire, devotion, devour, dig, disposed to, ditto, dote on, dote upon, drawn, duplicate, eat up, either, elect, endorse, enjoy, equal, equal to, equalized, equipollent, equivalent, ersatz, esteem, even, even stephen, exactly alike, faithful love, fake, fancy, favor, favoring, feast on, fellow, fervor, fifty-fifty, flame, following, fondness, for example, for instance, freak out on, free love, free-lovism, get high on, gloat over, go, go for, groove on, half-and-half, have designs on, have eyes for, have it bad, heart, hero worship, homogeneous, homologous, homoousian, how, identic, identical, identically, idolatry, idolism, idolization, image, imitated, imitation, in kind, in like manner, in other words, in such wise, in that way, in this way, in what way, indistinguishable, indulge in, just alike, kindred spirit, knotted, lasciviousness, level, libido, like that, like this, likeness, likes, likewise, liking, love, lovemaking, lust, lust after, luxuriate in, married love, match, mate, mimicked, mind, mock, namely, near, near duplicate, nearly reproduced, nip and tuck, not unlike, obverse, of that ilk, on a footing, on a level, on a par, on even ground, one, opposite number, par, parallel, partiality, passion, peer, pendant, phony, physical love, picture, please, popular regard, popularity, predilection, prefer, preference, proportionate, proximate, quits, reciprocal, regard, rejoice in, relatable, related, relish, resembling, respect, revel in, riot in, rival, same, savor, second self, select, selfsame, sentiment, sex, sexual love, shine, similar, similarly, similitude, simulacrum, simulated, sister, smack the lips, smacking of, so, something like, soul mate, spiritual love, square, stalemated, such, suchlike, suggestive of, swim in, synthetic, take pleasure in, take to, tally, taste, tender feeling, tender passion, the like of, the likes of, thus, thus and so, tied, to wit, truelove, twin, understand, undifferenced, undifferent, undifferentiated, uniform, uniform with, uxoriousness, wallow in, want, weakness, wish, wish to goodness, wish very much, without difference, without distinction, worship, would fain do, yearning