List of likelihood synonyms and likelihood related words.
aptitude, aptness, bare possibility, best bet, chance, conceivability, conceivableness, contingency, even chance, eventuality, expectation, expectations, fair expectation, favorable prospect, good chance, good opportunity, good possibility, hope, hopes, liability, liableness, likeliness, main chance, obligation, odds, odds-on, odds-on chance, off chance, outlook, outside chance, outside hope, possibility, possibleness, potential, potentiality, presumption, presumptive evidence, probabilism, probability, proneness, prospect, prospects, reasonable ground, reasonable hope, remote possibility, small hope, sporting chance, sure bet, sure thing, tendency, the attainable, the feasible, the possible, thinkability, thinkableness, verisimilitude, virtuality, weakness, well-grounded hope, what is possible, what may be, what might be