List of likewise synonyms and likewise related words.
above, additionally, again, alike, all included, along, also, altogether, among other things, and all, and also, and so, as is, as well, au reste, beside, besides, beyond, coequally, coextensively, coincidentally, congruently, correspondently, correspondingly, coterminously, ditto, either, else, en plus, equally, extra, farther, for lagniappe, further, furthermore, ibid, ibidem, identically, in addition, in kind, in like manner, in that way, inter alia, into the bargain, item, just the same, like, like that, like this, more, moreover, on the side, on top of, over, plus, same here, similarly, so, synonymously, the same way, then, therewith, thus, to boot, too, yet