List of line synonyms and line related words.
DMZ, Indian file, L, MO, Spenserian stanza, WATS, WATS line, Zeitgeist, abut, accommodation, accompaniment, accord, accordance, aceldama, acknowledgment, acquiescence, acquire, action, activity, adaptation, adaption, adjoin, adjustment, advance guard, affiliation, aftermath, agreement, aim, air, air lane, airhead, algorithm, align, aligned, allocate, allot, alto, anagnorisis, ancestry, angle, animal kingdom, answer, antistrophe, apparentation, apportion, approach, architectonics, architecture, area, argosy, argument, aria, arrange, arrange for, arrangement, array, art, articulation, assemble, assortment, atmosphere, attack, autarky, autolithograph, avant-garde, azimuth, background, bag, balance, band, bank, bar, bar line, baritone, bass, basso continuo, basso ostinato, bassus, battle line, battle site, battlefield, battleground, be a printmaker, beachhead, bearing, beat, befringe, belt, bent, billet, bimetallism, bind, birth, blarney, blaze, blaze a trail, blemish, block in, block out, blood, bloodline, blotch, book, border, border line, borderline, bottoms, bound, boundary, boundary condition, boundary line, bourn, brace, braid, brail, branch, brand, break boundary, breakoff point, breed, bridgehead, brief, brood, brushwork, burden, burr, business, business letter, butt, buzz, cable, cable railway, calling, canto, cantus, cantus figuratus, cantus planus, caravan, card, career, career building, careerism, carve, cast, catalog goods, catastrophe, catena, catenation, cavalcade, ceil, ceiling, chain, chain reaction, chaining, chalk, chalk out, chalk up, character, characterization, check, check off, chisel, chiseling, chit, chorus, cicatrize, circuit, circumscription, clan, class, clue, co-ax, coaxial cable, cog railway, collocate, color, column, combat area, combat zone, coming after, commodities, common ancestry, communicate, communication, compass, compliance, complication, compose, composition, con, concatenation, concentric cable, conclusion, condensation trail, confine, conformance, conformation other-direction, conformity, congruity, connection, consanguinity, consecution, consecutiveness, consequence, consistency, consumer goods, consumer items, continuation, continuity, continuo, continuum, contour, contract for, contrail, contralto, contrivance, conventionality, coordinate, cord, correspondence, cortege, couplet, course, cover, craft, crease, creed, cribble, crinkle, crocodile, cross-hatching, crosshatch, cup of tea, current, cut, cutoff, cutoff point, cycle, dapple, dash, data, deadline, deal, deal out, define, degree, delimit, delimitation, delineate, delineation, demarcate, demarcation, deme, demitint, denomination, denouement, derivation, descant, descendant, descent, description, design, designation, determinant, develop, development, device, diagonal, dig up, direct line, direction, direction line, discolor, dispatch, dispose, distaff side, distich, distribute, division line, dot, dotted line, draft, draftsmanship, dress parade, drift, drone, dynasty, echelon, economic self-sufficiency, edge, edging, effect, effects, el, electric railway, elevated, elevated railway, embankment, employ, employment, enchase, end, endless belt, endless round, enemy line, enframe, engage, engrave, engravement, engraving, envoi, episode, epistle, epode, etch, etching, extension, extraction, extremity, fable, face, falling action, family, farthest outpost, fashion, favor, feather, feeder, feeder line, female line, field, field of battle, field of blood, figuration, figure, figured bass, filament, file, filiation, fill, finish, firing line, first line, fix, fleck, fleet, flexibility, flight path, floor, flotilla, flyover, folk, following, forefront, form, form a line, formation, formulate, forte, frame, freckle, free enterprise, free trade, fringe, front, front line, front rank, front-runner, frontier, funeral, fur, furrow, game, gamut, gash, gem-engraving, genealogy, genre, gens, genus, get hold of, get in line, gimmick, glacial movement, glass-cutting, glyptic, goods, goods for sale, governmentalism, gradation, graft, grain, grave, graving, gravity-operated railway, groove, ground bass, grouping, guiding principles, guise, hachure, hairline, half tint, handicraft, harmony, hatch, hatching, hawser, heading, hedge, heir, helmsmanship, hem, heptastich, heritage, hexastich, high-water mark, hint, hire, horse railway, house, hum, ilk, impress, imprint, in a row, in accord, in agreement, in control, in harmony, in line, in step, incident, incise, incision, inclination, information, inlay, inscribe, inscript, inscription, interface, interline, inventory, itinerary, job, job lot, join, junction, keeping, kidney, killing ground, kin, kind, label, laissez-faire, laissez-faireism, landing beach, lap, lay, lead, ledger line, letter, lie, lifework, ligament, ligation, ligature, light railroad, limen, limit, limitation, limiting factor, line of action, line of battle, line of business, line of demarcation, line of descent, line of direction, line of goods, line of march, line of work, line up, lineage, lineation, lined up, lines, lining, list, lithograph, load, local color, localism, logical sequence, long suit, lot, low-water mark, lower limit, mail-order goods, main current, main interest, main line, mainstream, make, make a mark, make prints, male line, malleability, managed currency, manner, manner of working, march, march past, marge, margin, marginate, mark, mark off, mark out, marking, marshal, matriclan, means, measure, melodia, melodic line, melody, merchandise, merchant fleet, merchant navy, message, mete, method, methodology, metier, metro, mission, missive, mode, mode of operation, mode of procedure, modus operandi, mold, monorail, monostich, monotone, mood, motif, motion, motorcade, mottle, movement, mule train, mystery, mythos, nation, nature, navigation, navy, neighbor, nexus, nick, noninterference, nonintervention, notch, note, nullification, number, obedience, oblique, observance, obtain, occupation, octastich, octave, octet, offerings, offspring, orbit, order, order of succession, ordinate, organize, orientation, orthodoxy, ottava rima, outguard, outline, outpost, pack, pack train, pad, painterliness, parade, parcel out, parentage, part, party line, party principle, passage, path, patriclan, pencil, pendulum, pentastich, people, pepper, periodicity, peripeteia, perspective, persuasion, pet subject, phratry, phyle, phylum, piloting, pioneer, piste, pitch, place, plain chant, plain song, plan, plan of action, planned economy, plant kingdom, platform, plenum, pliancy, plot, plumb, point, policy, polity, pomp, position, position paper, postcard, posteriority, posterity, postposition, powder train, practice, precursor, prepare, price supports, prick, prick song, primrose path, principles, print, private line, procedure, proceeding, process, procession, profession, profile, program, progression, prolongation, promenade, protection, protectionism, public policy, pump-priming, punch, punctuate, puncture, purfle, purl, pursuit, put in place, quarter, quatrain, queue, queue up, race, rack railway, rack-and-pinion railway, racket, rail, rail line, railhead, railroad, railway, rally, range, rank, ready, ready for, recognition, reconcilement, reconciliation, recurrence, refrain, regiment, reply, rescript, reticulation, review, rhyme royal, riddle, rim, rising action, road, roadbed, roadway, role, rope, rotation, rough in, rough out, round, route, routine, row, rule, run, sales pitch, scale, scar, scarify, scent, scheme, score, scoring, scotch, scout, scrape, scratch, scratching, script, sculpture, sea lane, seal, seam, seat of war, secondary plot, sectionalism, secure, seed, sell out, separatrix, sept, septet, sequel, sequence, series, sestet, set, set off, set out, set up, sextet, shading, shadow, shambles, shape, shipping, ships, shortcut, side, sideline, sides, sidetrack, siding, sign up, signs, silhouette, single file, sketch, skimmington, skirt, slant, slash, slashing, solidus, solo, solo part, song, song and dance, soprano, soprano part, sort, space, spear side, spearhead, specialism, speciality, specialization, specialty, species, speck, speckle, spectrum, speech, spiel, spindle side, splotch, spoor, spot, spun yarn, staff, stain, stamp, stanza, staples, start, starting line, starting point, stave, steerage, steering, stem, stigmatize, stipple, stippling, stirps, stock, stock-in-trade, story, straight, straighten, strain, strand, strategy, streak, streaking, stream, street railway, streetcar line, striate, striation, strictness, string, string out, strip, stripe, striping, stroke, strong point, strophe, structure, stuff, style, subject, subjunction, sublineation, subplot, subway, succession, successiveness, successor, suffixation, swath, swing, switch, switchback, sword side, syllable, system, tack, tactics, tailback, target date, tattoo, technicality, technique, telegraph cable, telegraph line, telephone, telephone line, tendency, tendon, tenor, tercet, term, terminal, terminal date, terminus, terza rima, tetrastich, the drill, the front, the general tendency, the how, the like of, the likes of, the main course, the way of, theater, theater of operations, theater of war, thematic development, theme, thing, thong, thorough bass, thread, threshold, tick, tick off, tier, time allotment, time spirit, tint, tone, tonnage, tool, tooling, topic, totem, touch, tour, trace, traces, track, trade, trail, train, traject, trajectory, trajet, tram, tramline, treatment, treble, trend, trestle, tribe, trim, triplet, tristich, trolley line, true, trunk, trunk line, tube, tune, turnout, twine, twist, type, type-cutting, uncover, under control, underground, underline, underlining, underscore, underscoring, undersong, uniformity, up for, upper limit, values, van, vanguard, vapor trail, variety, vendibles, verge, verse, virgule, vocation, voice part, wad, wainscot, wake, walk, walk of life, wares, way, weakness, whaling fleet, windrow, wire, wire line, wise, word, words, work, wrinkle, yarn, zone of communications