List of line up synonyms and line up related words.
align, allocate, allot, apportion, arrange, array, bank, bill, book, budget, calendar, collimate, collineate, collocate, compose, cool off, correspond, deal, deal out, deploy, dispose, distribute, docket, equate, equidistance, fall in, fall into line, fall into rank, fix, follow, form, form a line, get in formation, get in line, grade, harmonize, hierarchize, lay out, line, marshal, match, methodize, normalize, order, organize, pacify, parallelize, parcel out, place, place parallel to, program, queue, queue up, quiet, rally, range, rank, realign, regiment, regularize, regulate, routinize, row, schedule, set out, set up, slate, space, standardize, string out, structure, systematize, take rank, tranquilize