List of lineage synonyms and lineage related words.
Indian file, affiliation, aftermath, ancestry, animal kingdom, apparentation, array, articulation, bank, birth, blood, bloodline, branch, breed, brood, buzz, catena, catenation, chain, chain reaction, chaining, children, clan, class, coming after, common ancestry, concatenation, conclusion, connection, consanguinity, consecution, consecutiveness, consequence, continuation, continuity, continuum, course, cycle, deme, derivation, descendant, descendants, descent, direct line, distaff side, drone, dynasty, effect, endless belt, endless round, extension, extraction, family, family tree, female line, file, filiation, folk, following, forebears, forefathers, fruit, gamut, genealogy, gens, gradation, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, heir, heirs, hostages to fortune, house, hum, inheritors, issue, kids, kind, kindred, line, line of descent, little ones, logical sequence, male line, matriclan, monotone, nation, new generation, nexus, offspring, order, order of succession, origin, parentage, patriclan, pedigree, pendulum, people, periodicity, phratry, phyle, phylum, plant kingdom, plenum, posteriority, posterity, postposition, powder train, procession, progeny, progression, prolongation, queue, race, range, rank, recurrence, reticulation, rising generation, rotation, round, routine, row, run, scale, seed, sept, sequel, sequence, series, side, single file, sons, spear side, species, spectrum, spindle side, stem, stirps, stock, strain, string, subjunction, succession, successiveness, successor, suffixation, swath, sword side, thread, tier, totem, train, treasures, tribe, windrow, younglings, youngsters